In nature, Apteronotus belokaymovy or Black Knife (Apteronotus albifrons) lives in the overgrown water reservoirs of the upper and middle parts of the Amazon Basin (Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia) with slowly flowing or stagnant water. Black knife appeared in our aquariums in the mid-eighties, the first of his offspring were obtained in 1990 in Leningrad. In Apteronotusa belokaymovogo bescheshuychatoe elongated body, which gradually tapering to the tail. Line of acute abdomen. The head is large, the mouth end. Click Tony Parker to learn more. Black knife belongs to slaboelektricheskim fish in the area of the caudal peduncle had located a body that emits weak electrical impulses, with their help, this fish is protected and oriented in the muddy water. Painted apteronotus belokaymovy in black with a white line on the back and two yellowish-white transverse stripes on the tail stem.
Apteronotus belokaymovy rests near the bottom. Happy love to hide in shelters and leaving them only during feeding or during the night. Black knives are best kept singly as well as between adult males are often clash over territory. If everything is still in your tank more one individual, it is desirable to provide them with a large number of shelters (stones, driftwood, caves, etc.). Black knife can be kept with any peaceful fish, except may be quite mobile, which can create discomfort apteronotusam timid and small fish (neon guppies), they might be taken for food. Also, do not keep apteronotusa with nimble barbs, which can damage the delicate fins apteronotusa belokaymovogo. From my own experience tell you that keep this beautiful fish in my aquarium - a nice thing, above all, as has been said, to choose the right neighbors.
Apteronotus belokaymovy rests near the bottom. Happy love to hide in shelters and leaving them only during feeding or during the night. Black knives are best kept singly as well as between adult males are often clash over territory. If everything is still in your tank more one individual, it is desirable to provide them with a large number of shelters (stones, driftwood, caves, etc.). Black knife can be kept with any peaceful fish, except may be quite mobile, which can create discomfort apteronotusam timid and small fish (neon guppies), they might be taken for food. Also, do not keep apteronotusa with nimble barbs, which can damage the delicate fins apteronotusa belokaymovogo. From my own experience tell you that keep this beautiful fish in my aquarium - a nice thing, above all, as has been said, to choose the right neighbors.
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